Amazon Web Services and Avalanche team up for blockchain development
In order to improve access to the Avalanche blockchain, Amazon Web Services and Ava Labs have teamed up.
Ava Labs, which supports the popular blockchain network Avalanche, has announced a partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS). By partnering with Avalanche, individuals and organizations can launch and manage nodes and improve the network for developers.
In addition to offering one-click node deployments, Amazon will include Ava Labs in its AWS Activate program, which helps startups and early-stage entrepreneurs access AWS services.
Ava Labs will also join the AWS Partner Network (APN), which gives it access to hundreds of thousands of partners.
Ava Labs will also provide its Subnet deployment for scaling as a service through the AWS marketplace. Hundreds of subnets will be deployed throughout 2023, according to Wu.
This collaboration is a significant step forward for AWS and Ava Labs, as well as the entire blockchain industry. Emin Gün Sirer, CEO and Founder of Ava Labs, stated, “We’re still in the early stages of enterprises and governments building on-chain.” Ava Labs hopes to accelerate blockchain adoption across enterprises, institutions, and governments with the help of AWS.
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