Argentinian Soccer Association Gets a New Sponsor
Argentinian Soccer Association (AFA) and Binance, a crypto exchange, have signed a new partnership deal. With this deal, Binance has become the main sponsor for the national team of soccer of Argentina for the next five years and will also issue a new fan token.
Binance, one of the leading crypto exchanges in the world, has signed a five-year sponsorship deal with the Argentinian Soccer Association. The deal has made Binance the main sponsor of the national soccer team of Argentina. This is the first deal of Binance with a worldwide national team.
The deal will help in promoting the brand with one of the most famous soccer teams in the world and will also create awareness among the people. Through this deal, crypto technology could be brought to users who otherwise may not have become familiar with the currency and technology.
As part of the deal, Binance will also launch a new fan token in the future.
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Photo by – SeppH on Pixabay