PayPal Planning To Create Their Own Stablecoins
In the company’s iPhone app there is a hidden code that reveals that the ‘PayPal Coin’ will be backed by US dollar.
With an increase in the business of crypto on the PayPal platform, PayPal is planning to launch its Stablecoin. The information was confirmed by the spokesperson of PayPal.
Evidence of PayPal’s intent, of developing its Stablecoin was first discovered by developer Steve Moser. The information was discovered from the company’s iPhone app, where hidden images and codes were found, showing work related to ‘PayPal Coin. The code also revealed that there is a high probability of the US dollar backing the coin.
Recently, PayPal has been very active with its efforts regarding crypto, it has increased the amount of crypto that can be purchased by its customers and has also invested in educating its customers about crypto.
Disclaimer: The article is meant for the educational purpose only and in no way it should be considered as financial advice. Own research on the topic is advisable.
Photo by raphaelsilva on Pixabay