
Young Web3 Believers Baffled by Battered Crypto Market

Seeing Web3 as a path for rapid career development, aspiring students and recent graduates stick to their plans to launch careers in crypto.

Lin Chuan is on track to degree holder next year with a master’s degree in computer science from Peking University. The weak global economy in spite of, he plans to start his career working in the next duplication of the internet, blockchain-based Web3.

The 23-year-old has interned at Baidu, China’s internet search blockbuster, and at global venture firm GGV Capital. He is disappointed by the diminish opportunities in Web2 amid China’s tech crackdown and absorb by the growing potential in Web3. An adventurer in spirit, he doesn’t want to settle down at a conventional tech company, like most of his computer science peers do.

“Finding a fixed job, getting married, acquire a house … these are just not my thing,” he said. “I look for flexibility, freedom and a faster career path … and this space is just like that, and with little office politics or favouritism. It is about your individual abilities – you get recompense for what you can do.”

A new sepration in the tech industry, Web3 draws students and fresh graduates from all over the world who have practical know-how and whose skills are happily applicable to blockchain development. These young crypto believers are often fully execute to working in the sector, attracted by the idea of conclusion and their faster career advancement potential. They are baffled by the battered job market and volatile cryptocurrency prices.

A new boundary in the tech industry, Web3 draws students and fresh graduates from all over the world who have technical know-how and whose skills are willingly applicable to blockchain development. These young crypto believers are often fully perform to working in the sector, attracted by the idea of dissolution and their faster career advancement potential. They are baffled by the battered job market and volatile cryptocurrency prices.

Investors’ reluctance to embrace Web3

The recent crypto climate doesn’t daunt this ex- intern’s crucifixion for crypto.

“When you are perform to something, you want to be able to cross it the fullest,” he said. When asked how he will finish his senior year while working full time, he giggle. “I’m pretty busy.”

Having worked as the technical lead in a Singapore-based health-care startup, he recently took a leap of faith and is in the organization stages of a Web3 startup he is co-founding with friends.

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